Week 2: Math + Art
Where There is Art, There is Math! Kate McKinnon's lecture on beadwork was incredibly insightful as to how mathematics, specifically geometry, was incredibly insightful as I began to understand more clearly the relationship between mathematics art: that often, the two are inseparable. We learned that beadwork is an incredibly complex artistic activity. Creating even the most simple of patterns with beads requires, to a certain extent, mastery of complex geometric principles such as ratio, sequences (such as the Fibonacci sequence), and Kaleidocycles. The notion of mathematics and art being inextricably linked is also present in how we humans develop our mathematical and musical skills in tandem. Music educator Martin J. Bergee elucidates the relationship between mathematics and music based on scientific findings: namely, as you improve your mathematical capabilities, you are likely to improve your musical capabilities as well. The underlying reason for this seems to be that music ...